Get Your 2024 Personal Success Life
Design Profiles Here
Take Charge Of Your Life Now!
Super Power techniques to get you where you want to go almost instantly!
Eliminate Living Your Life By Default Right Now Forever!
The Real You And Your True Potential!
Hi and Welcome!
Many times people are not aware that they can write themselves into their life’s story. But you can. Everything you think, say, do, and feel creates instantly in our present reality, our lives, and our world. Law of Attraction in Action. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes!
This is much more powerful than vision boards and feng shui because energetically as we write your story you are talking about it, feeling its presence and being it in the moment. This energy creates and it creates really fast.
The Power IS Here NOW, you are not living your life undefined, by default, and just allowing things to happen to you anymore.
Not at all!
You NOW have control over your Life! What you want to experience be, do and have!
And the irony of all of this is, wouldn’t you rather live this life with a purpose that you really want to experience instead of allowing your entire life to be by default?
Inside Your Personal Success Life Designer Profile, YOU will BE
the Creator, the Writer, the Designer, the Producer, and the Actor.
Instead of One-On-One calls where we See what it is you want and push you forward in the direction. You want to Go and BE…which, by the way, is a very slow and hard way to manifest…The old and hard ways of coaching sucks:)
We create Your Personal Success Life Designer Profile first.
(I don’t play small and I won’t allow you to do so either.)
The Profiles were the core and Success of Extreme Success Now and the Success of Power Of Now Life Coaching and Business Consulting. In this scenario, everyone wins guaranteed!
This is the beginning and the expansion of your new life! Your new reality unfolds, blossoms and blooms.
Once Your Personal Success Life Designer Profile is created then I have you step into the New You, into your new lifestyle, your new reality. The Mentoring and Coaching calls are used to keep you in alignment with your vision. The “Who” You truly want to BE and Perceive.
There are many many things you can do with this.
Millionaire Examples:
If you want to be a Millionaire but you have no clue what you want to do to create this abundance or how that could possibly happen. What I do when You and I are on the phone is help you create a story as The Millionaire Next Door and then I add that in your Personal Success Life Designer Profile as your new life –>> You Are The Millionaire Next Door.
What Be-Coming The Millionaire Next Door does is allows you to continue to drive the same car, live in the same house and wear the same clothes while you integrate your life into your new story. Now there is a whole lot more fun things to do in this series (I have been creating new identities for my clients and myself for a long time) however you get the picture.
I have made millions in my life the hard way. You know the work hard every day, struggle and stressed out. It is so much more fun and easier creating within what you truly want to experience and manifesting it in the physical world. You get to choose what you will and won’t do for money which is a powerful suggestion in the energy world of money.
Different concept Right?
My processes are quite simple once you get this idea~~~this picture.
Inside Your Personal Success Life Design Profile, You could create a product that goes global and everyone in the world loves and buys it. FOREVER! Remember the widget? And the fart pillow? How about the chia pet? Those people made millions from one idea. So you can See how easy it is to create wealth in abundance, easily and very quickly! I actually have my own product within this category.
How about winning the lottery? Winning the Lottery is FUN! I have done this one a lot. This could be you effortlessly and abundantly
Do you have an idea for a product or service? An online business? All ideas are possible. I have created so many products, services, and businesses with just an idea. Phenomenal Love Process at is one of those amazing ideas. Phenomenal Love Process is an energy technique I discovered years ago that adds increase in every area of a person’s life. I brought an energy technique live in the world as an online service that profits me and benefits everyone from just an idea.
I have a Business and Marketing Consulting business that runs purely on referrals. No website. No hard work in marketing. people and businesses just show up.
So by now, You can See How the Power Of Your Own Imagination, Wants, Dreams and Desires combined with my present state of awareness and imagination living in this moment RIGHT NOW -> NOW IS ALL THERE IS -> you can create easily, effortlessly, abundantly and filled with Joy and Fun!
From This MOMENT On Power Of Now Personal Success Life Design Profile Series is for You if:
- You are someone who wants MAJOR CHANGE
- You want to create something new in your life
- You want to step up your game and do something different
- You want and desire to BE Your True Self, Your Ideal Self (Whatever that is for you.)
- You want and desire to Live The Life You Truly Want To Live
- Your want and desire to BE YOU! THE YOU -> YOU TRULY BE! (Whoever that is in this space and moment.)
The first thing we do is Create a Personal SUCCESS Life Designer Profile Just For You.
This is much more Powerful than vision boards as we create from your words, feelings and what you Really Want To Experience in YOUR NOW MOMENT. These Personal Success Life Designer Profiles are designed to put you in alignment with your vision. Your True Self!
This must be completed first as we are designing your life. Clearly knowing what you want to experience, writing it down and experiencing first within.
Your Personal Success Life Designer Profile takes about a week to complete. All areas of your life will be written and re-written. Relationships, Financial, Business, Love, Personal Path, Spiritual Path
Once your payment is made you will be taken to my booking page to schedule your first call with me for 1 1/2 hours. You will also receive a phone call from me welcoming you and your new choice in life.
You will receive your first draft within 3 to 5 days after our first phone call. creating your New Life Plan and Desires. After you receive the first draft of your Personal Success Life Design Profile we have another call to enhance and set your New Life into Motion. All calls are recorded and you can use the audio over and over again to stay in your vision, the new YOU!
These calls are filled with fun, laughter, and love because You will BE speaking with ME who loves to Create New, Fun and Fulfilling Lifestyles.
Heads Up! When I ask people what type of car they want to drive, everyone keeps choosing a Bentley. I believe it is because that is all they know…:) Do some research. Check out the Veyron and Aston Marton. Have fun with this one because it is yours NOW!
WE CREATE IN THE MOMENT ON THESE CALLS. If you understand what I mean => NOW!
Order your very own Personal Success Life Designer Profile Now for only $4997. Personal Success Life Designer Profile Now is at a $avings of $10000. This price goes back up to $14997 after the first of the year “New Years Resolutions.”
From this point on you are entering Prosperity’s Theatre where we create your new character and your new lifestyle together. No more old boring ways of coach and client. We are creating from a Success Life Profile Designed Just For You.
The Energy created within these profiles are magnetic and do start your new perception of your ideal life in motion. You will also receive several 1 – 1 1/2 hours One-On-One call with me for Your Personal Life Design Profile to be written and follow-up calls to verify all of the information is your truth at that MOMENT.
I will not leave you alone with this experience. You will have access to me during normal business hours. Guaranteed Lots Of Fun and Life-Changing!
Inside Your Success Life Designer Profile, YOU will BE
the Creator, the Writer, the Designer, the Producer, and the Actor.
This series expands and increases all areas of your life.
– Create your ideal relationship, money, financial abundance, radiant health, jobs, opportunities –
SUCCESS in every area of your life so you will experience deep fulfillment.
Click Below To Order Your Personal SUCCESS Life Designer Profile NOW
Super Power techniques to get you where you want to go almost instantly.
Power techniques that get rid of limitations as easy as putting ice cubes in a glass on a sunny day.
Recordings and Coaching that keeps you off your limitations and in touch with your True Potential.
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Thank You For Your Time and Have an Abundant and Prosperous Day!
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